Love, that is all. Only four letters, consuming the planet’s four corners. It is what we all search for, knowingly or not. It is the big empty hole that lead others to kill, because they do not have it and are suffering. It is the thing we confuse for recognition and status. And work our butts off two thirds of our lives to achieve, only to realize that we would rather have been a child – building friendships and a wholesome experience of life, and not smoke screens. When we realize that we are eternal, and bigger than the car and house and all these things. That we are not slaves to them, and that they are there for us to merely use and enjoy. But they do not define who we are. If we allow them to define us, then we will be forever empty: forever searching for the “next thing”; there will always be a next best car, next best phone, next best house design. Does that mean you’re searching for a next best you? It is like changing the design of a tall structure as you go along, and not obeying the very capable foundation that was made for it. And piling it with floor after floor of weak material and unnecessaries. The building will lack integrity, and will be unstable and ready to collapse at the smallest shock. However, when you follow the design for which it was built, the house is whole and complete. Do you know what you were built for? Follow it. Pursue it to the death; run after it with that last breath you have, even after the sprint of life has exhausted you and you are out of breath. Use your reserves: you always have that in you. And remember the greatest message ever left to us while at it: Love one another, as you love yourself.
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